“SKYrmion-based magnetic tunnel junction to design a temperature SENSor” (SKYSENS)
Project funded by Ministero Università e Ricerca (MUR) within the call PRIN2022
Project Abstract
SkySens will aim at designing a new sensor concept based on magnetic skyrmions to measure temperature. This goal will be achieved by combining new fundamental understanding on thermal-driven dynamics (from skyrmions in thin films to magnetic solitons in the non-explored field of 3D materials) and the experimental stabilization and detection of skyrmions in MTJs. Beyond the project goal, the results of SkySens will motivate additional research in the community to envisage new device functionalities which can impact the broad and mutually-interacting fields of IoT, sensing, computing, and AI. The Southern-Italy team will work at cutting-edge research in Skyrmionics and magnetic solitons, with the ultimate objective to strengthen the Italian leadership in the European ecosystem of Spintronics. The theoretical background and complementary expertise of the members of SkySens will not only provide intuitive and rigorous comprehension of the observed phenomena, but also will consolidate, inspire, and guide the research activities of worldwide research groups leader in applied magnetism, and more specifically in Skyrmionics.