Workshop on “Experts from the Non-Academic World”

The Spanish and the Italian Chapters of the IEEE Magnetics Society will co-host the 4th virtual talk of the series called “Experts from the Non-Academic World”.

The session will take place on Tuesday May 31th at 4:00 p.m. (Central European Time) – 2:00 p.m. (GMT).

ExpertCarlos Roces, from FELEMAMG  (

AbstractFELEMAMG – Experts in industrial magnetism

– Presentation of the speakers
– Introduction and history of the company (Brief introduction about the beginning of the company and its evolution)
– FELEMAMG today (Current presence around the world)
– Manufacturing of magnetic systems (Explanation about the different magnetic systems which we manufacture and recent developments)

Please find here the Zoom room details:


Topic: Meet the ExpertsTime: May 31, 2022 04:00 PM Rome
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 881 0984 1839

Passcode: 613065

The Spanish and the Italian Chapters of the IEEE Magnetics Society will co-host the 3rd virtual talk of the series called “Experts from the Non-Academic World” (first talk in 2022).

Expert: Ana Seoane, from IMA (

Abstract: “Recycling of magnetic materials for injection processes”

Starting from useless magnets from obsolete equipment and with industrial-scale processes, we can reprocess new bonded magnets into different geometries, magnetizations, and applications.

Please find here the Zoom room details:


Topic: Meet the Experts Time: Feb 24, 2022 04:30 PM Rome

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 895 9258 1714

Passcode: 655890