
A program at-a-glance of the school is given in the following table.

Download here the pdf file including the program in detail.

Students will present their work in three poster sessions. Download here the schedule of the poster sessions. Poster format is A0 portrait.

Students are also invited to prepare a pre-recorded short presentation (7 minutes max) and send it to the organizers.

The school includes events from Sunday 11 evening to Friday 16 evening. For this reason, we suggest students and lecturers to travel accordingly (arrival Sunday 11 morning, departure Saturday 17).

Accommodation for students is reserved from Sunday 11 (check-in) until Saturday 17 (check-out).

Confirmed lecturers: Atsufumi Hirohata, Olivier Fruchart, Ester Palmero, Cindi Dennis, Kyung-Jin Lee, Manuel Vázquez, Denys Makarov, Andrii Chumak, Yoichiro Tanaka, Hyunsoo Yang, Sara Majetich, Susana Cardoso de Freitas, Giovanni Finocchio, Vi