4-8 September, 2023, Rome (Italy)

The third edition of Trends in Magnetism conference will be held in Rome from 4 to 8 September 2023. Paola Tiberto, from INRiM (Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica) Torino, and Giovanni Finocchio, from the University of Messina, they will be the two co-Chairs of TMAG2023.
The announcement was given during the social dinner of TMAG2022, where the two co-chairs presented the conference and invited everybody to participate.

Trends in Magnetism is a multidisciplinary forum where to share the latest advancements in magnetism, with a particular focus on trending topics. TMAG 2023 is the third event in a series of international conferences initiated by the PetaSpin association, which started with TMAG 2020 held in Cefalù in 2021 (https://www.petaspin.com/tmag2020/) and TMAG 2022 in Venice (https://www.petaspin.com/tmag2022/).
The trending topics of TMAG 2023 will be related to “Spintronic devices including multiphysics based design” and “biomedical applications of magnetism” where we want to create a chance for the experts in those fields to meet and move the scientific community forward.
This years the conference program will include six perspective talks and two key note speakers.
Be aware of scam attempts! Unfortunately scam attempts with respect to conference lodging have become common place. Do not respond to unsolicited requests for arranging lodging to attend the TMAG2023 workshop, and only arrange lodging directly through the contact information listed in this website, or through the conference chairs (gfinocchio@unime.it). Do not share credit-card information with anybody approaching you with unsolicited lodging information. |