Social activities

Roma is one of the cities with the largest cultural artistic heritage in the world, with major archaeological sites in the world with complex structures of incomparable artistic value and more than three thousand years of history.

We encourage you to give a look around the conference venues during the free time to look at the “Grande Bellezza” around.

Nearby the conference venue (160 m) you can find several interesting places including “San Pietro in Vincoli” Church, this church houses Michelangelo’s Pieta!

For more information visit:

Colosseo tour

A guided tour of the Colosseo will take place after the end of the session on Wednesday 6 September.

The meeting point is the reception of the conference hotel. The tour is organized in four groups, you will find the group you have been assigned in your badge.

Below the departure time for each group from the conference hotel, the time will be strictly observed.

  • Group A and Group B – Departure Time 16:10
  • Group C and Group D – Departure Time Time 16:50

One Staff Member will be in each group. There will be a walking tour (around 8 minutes) from the Conference hotel to the gates of the Colosseum at Sperone Valadier. You will need to confirm your participation at the registration desk of the conference.

Social dinner

The social dinner will be held at the Elvira Vaselli Villa, in Castelgandolfo (Rome) on Thursday 7 September.

The meeting point for the social dinner is the reception of the conference hotel. The social dinner venue will be reached by 2 buses. The one you are assigned is indicated in your badge.

The departure time is at 17:30.

You will need to confirm your participation at the registration desk of the conference.

Walking Tour and Dinner in Trastevere (To reserve)

We are organizing a walking tour from the conference venue to Trastevere on Friday 8 September. The meeting point is the Conference Hotel at 18:00. Bring proper shoes.

The walking tour (not guided) will include the most beautiful streets of Rome: Via dei fori Imperiali, Altare della patria, Teatro Marello Portico d’Ottavia, isola Tiberina- Santa Maria in Trastevere.

After the Dinner in Trastevere, who wish can join a walking tour by night from Trastevere, to Via dei Giubbonari, Campo dei Fiori, Piazza Navona, Pantheon and Fontana di Trevi.