
We thank the following partners for funding support.


Petaspin is an Italian association whose main missions are:
(i) to support scientific research in many fields of engineering and applied physics, related to magnetism and spintronics
(ii) to support a Global Value Chain for the technological transfer of spintronic technology
(iii) to support the free dissemination of scientific results through conferences and meetings, also organized in collaboration with other institutions and associations.

The International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) is the only international physics organization that is organized and run by the physics community itself. Its members are identified physics communities in countries or regions around the world.
The IUPAP was established in 1922 in Brussels with 13 Member countries and the first General Assembly was held in 1923 in Paris. It currently has 60 country members.

The IEEE Magnetics Society promotes the advancement of science, technology, applications and training in magnetism. It fosters presentation and exchange of information among its members and within the global technical community, including education and training of young engineers and scientists. It seeks to nurture positive interactions between all national and regional societies acting in the field of magnetism. The Society maintains the highest standard of professionalism and technical competency.
Qnami is a VC-backed high-tech company with its roots at the Physics Department of the University of Basel in Switzerland. It develops fundamental new technology using quantum mechanics. The control of the state of a single electron enables measurement with a precision that could never be achieved before. The technique is called quantum sensing and Qnami is enthusiastically developing it to improve people’s lives and the world. Extensive academic research and deep knowledge build the ground for all that Qnami does. With this technology, Qnami is redefining the common understanding of precision. Qnami offers an open team culture of mutual respect and intercultural understanding which is both business and scientific minded. Qnami attracts young, multicultural, open and skilled team members, who have a deep passion for the work.

Qnami will be present at TMAG 2023 with a stand and a representative.

Research projects (sponsors):

Innovative and energetically sustainable strategies in ICT (acronyms are defined in section 1), based on new hardware architectures, are necessary to overcome the bottlenecks of current CMOS technology and foster the next revolution in information processing for IoT, AI, digitalization, and consumer electronics. This requires a diffuse, extremely low-power, highly interconnected computing capability. In this context, research in Spintronics has grown at unprecedented velocity during the last two decades, driven by several fundamental breakthroughs, such as the advances in materials and device fabrication, the development of CMOS deposition processes compatible with MTJs, and the recent launch of STT-MRAMs in the market. To sustain this spintronic-based revolution, advanced computational tools are necessary and micromagnetic modelling is nowadays ubiquitous for both fundamental research and device design and simulation. To this respect, several challenges are still open, (i) to combine different types of materials (FMs, FiMs, AFMs) within the same solver and (ii) to speed-up systematic studies for data-driven design of spintronic devices. First of all, IT-SPIN will face these challenges building a suitable computational platform (PetaSpin 2.0) developed on top of PetaSpin solver that will become a national reference for state-of-the art micromagnetic modelling. 

One of the central keystones of the digital transformation of society is the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm, however recent focus has turned to the energy consumption of the billions of IoT sensor nodes. In order for the realisation of a ‘Green IoT’, low-power sensor nodes are essential, to extend node lifetime, reduce carbon footprint and reduce costs. Spintronics is an emerging technology which has been demonstrated for several key functionalities associated with wireless sensor networks, including sensing, energy harvesting, communication, memories and novel processing paradigms.
In SWAN-on-chip a spintronics wireless autonomous node (SWAN) is proposed for low-power edge computing.

Other sponsors: