Program-at-a-glance (download)

During the conference days the speakers should attend the live session related to their pre-recorded talks to answer questions from the participants. Those live sessions will give the opportunity (not mandatory, but suggested) to present an additional 5-minutes summary presentation for invited speakers and a 3-minutes presentations for contributed speakers. If you wish to give this additional talk you should send the ppt presentation by 3 September.
List of presentations (download)
Program on platform
The virtual part of Trends in MAGnetism 2021 will take place on WeConf Platform.
Registered attendees will have access to recorded sessions from August 23 and can join the live sessions from Monday, September 6, 2021.
Direct access to the prerecorded talks and live meetings are provided through the “Schedule” page at (starting 28 August up to 15 November).
All times are in CEST – Rome Time. To join the live session, click on “Join Live” button. Pre-recorded presentation are available for each session from the button “List Presentations”.
Authors, Speakers & Session Chairs: As a reminder, please join live sessions 10 minutes in advance of the session start time. All sessions will be live. Be prepared to share your screen and camera during the session.